%I #2 Mar 30 2012 17:38:10
%S 22,38,46,54,70,78,86,92,94,102,110,134,142,150,156,158,166,174,182,
%T 188,189,190,198,206,214,220,222,230,238,262,270,278,284,286,294,302,
%U 310,316,317,318,326,334,342,348,350,358,366,374,376,378,380,381,382
%N Numbers for which a mixed L/R binary rotation sequence will reach a fixed point sooner than either a pure only-left or only-right iteration.
%C See A063251 for more.
%e a(1)=22 because n=22 is the first n where A063251(n) that is less than both A048881(n) and A063250(n). Similarly, 189 appears because A048881(189)=5 and A063250(189)=7, but A063251(189) is just 4.
%Y A063251.
%K base,easy,nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Marc LeBrun_, Jul 11 2001