Let f be a function on rationals p/q (p,q coprime) defined by f(p/q) = abs(p-q)/nextoddColl(p) (so the denominator is the next odd number in the Collatz trajectory of p). Start with f(n/1) and repeat application of f until it reaches again an integer, which is a(n). If no integer is reached, then a(n)=0.

%I #3 Mar 02 2015 16:08:46

%S 0,1,3,3,4,2,2,7,1,3,9,9,7,2,5,15,3,5,15,15,20,10,3,3,2,7,21,16,3,1,

%T 11,31,7,9,27,16,3,15,2,11,3,9,33,33,25,6,17,25,9,2,39,11,3,8,9,21,2,

%U 15,45,2,19,3,23,63,15,17,51,11,3,4,5,1,5,15,57,9,3,3,29,9,15,16,63,63,84

%N Let f be a function on rationals p/q (p,q coprime) defined by f(p/q) = abs(p-q)/nextoddColl(p) (so the denominator is the next odd number in the Collatz trajectory of p). Start with f(n/1) and repeat application of f until it reaches again an integer, which is a(n). If no integer is reached, then a(n)=0.

%C Is a(n)<=n for all n?

%e For n=15 we get 15/1 -> 14/23 -> 9/7 -> 2/7 -> 5/1 so a(15)=5.

%K nonn

%O 1,3

%A _Floor van Lamoen_, Jul 11 2001