%I #4 Nov 12 2015 01:28:47
%S 0,0,1,4,101,5004
%N Number of n-dimensional torsion-free crystallographic groups with trivial center.
%H W. Plesken and T. Schulz, <a href="http://wwwb.math.rwth-aachen.de/carat/">CARAT Homepage</a>
%H W. Plesken and T. Schulz, <a href="/A006226/a006226.pdf">CARAT Homepage</a> [Cached copy in pdf format (without subsidiary pages), with permission]
%H W. Plesken and T. Schulz, <a href="/A006226/a006226_1.pdf">Introduction to CARAT</a> [Cached copy in pdf format (without subsidiary pages), with permission]
%Y Cf. A004027, A004028, A004029, A059104.
%K nonn,hard,nice,more
%O 1,4
%A Tilman Schulz (tilman(AT)momo.math.rwth-aachen.de), Feb 13 2001