Coefficients in the series (1 + x^2 + x^3 + x^5 + x^7 + x^11 + x^13 + ... )/(1 - x - x^4 - x^6 - x^8 - x^9 - x^10 - x^12 - x^14 - ... ).

%I #6 Aug 04 2022 22:27:34

%S 1,1,2,3,4,6,9,14,21,32,49,76,116,177,269,411,628,961,1467,2241,3422,

%T 5229,7987,12202,18636,28469,43488,66436,101483,155024,236804,361740,

%U 552581,844113,1289433,1969707,3008862,4596267,7021116,10725264

%N Coefficients in the series (1 + x^2 + x^3 + x^5 + x^7 + x^11 + x^13 + ... )/(1 - x - x^4 - x^6 - x^8 - x^9 - x^10 - x^12 - x^14 - ... ).

%t CoefficientList[ Series[ (1 + Apply[ Plus, x^Select[ Range[ 2, 50 ], PrimeQ[ # ] & ] ] )/(1 - Apply[ Plus, x^Select[ Range[ 1, 50 ], !PrimeQ[ # ] & ] ] ), {x, 0, 50} ], x ]

%K nonn

%O 0,3

%A _Robert G. Wilson v_, Dec 16 2000

%E Name corrected by _Sean A. Irvine_, Aug 04 2022