%I #10 May 03 2021 09:52:29
%S 262144,373248,531441,884736,1000000,1259712,2097152,2744000,1953125,
%T 3581577,5832000,10077696,4251528,14706125,10077696,27000000,11390625,
%U 10077696,25412184,34012224,23887872,125000000,85184000,203297472,176558481,191102976,91125000
%N For the numbers k that can be expressed as k = w+x = y*z with w*x = (y+z)^3 where w, x, y, and z are all positive integers, this sequence gives the corresponding values of w*x.
%Y Cf. A057370.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Naohiro Nomoto_, Sep 24 2000
%E New name and more terms from _Jinyuan Wang_, May 02 2021