Number of increasing mobiles (circular rooted trees) with n nodes and 6 leaves.

%I #11 Mar 15 2022 04:30:49

%S 120,4320,83628,1169768,13329084,131888624,1178097904,9745456704,

%T 75988344096,565644812320,4057808611860,28255332957880,

%U 192032572801508,1279389256340592,8384651931678936,54203683325174736

%N Number of increasing mobiles (circular rooted trees) with n nodes and 6 leaves.

%H Georg Fischer, <a href="/A055360/b055360.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 7..250</a>

%H <a href="/index/Mo#mobiles">Index entries for sequences related to mobiles</a>

%Y Column 6 of A055356.

%K nonn

%O 7,1

%A _Christian G. Bower_, May 15 2000