Number of labeled minimally 2-connected graphs by nodes.

%I #8 Nov 25 2020 09:14:10

%S 1,3,22,255,3951,76468,1773108,48018645,1488656845,51989095026,

%T 2019934308294,86440374376447,4040615973961035,204882667497974040,

%U 11202622636253431336,657174516317371860777,41178215707421481322713

%N Number of labeled minimally 2-connected graphs by nodes.

%H S. K. Pootheri, <a href="https://athenaeum.libs.uga.edu/handle/10724/20082">Counting classes of labeled 2-connected graphs</a>, M.S. Dissertation, University of Georgia, 2000.

%H S. K. Pootheri, <a href="/A054595/a054595.pdf">Counting classes of labeled 2-connected graphs</a>, M.S. Thesis, University of Georgia, 2000. [Local copy]

%H S. K. Pootheri, <a href="https://athenaeum.libs.uga.edu/handle/10724/20083">Characterizing and counting classes of unlabeled 2-connected graphs</a>, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Georgia, 2000.

%H S. K. Pootheri, <a href="/A003317/a003317_1.pdf">Characterizing and counting classes of unlabeled 2-connected graphs</a>, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Georgia, 2000. [Local copy]

%Y Cf. A003317.

%K nice,nonn

%O 3,2

%A Sridar K. Pootheri (sridar(AT)math.uga.edu), Apr 14 2000