%I #11 Oct 30 2013 04:39:08
%S 36963,66248,157339,262808,295704,519841,529984,793117,990584,998001,
%T 1258712,1271403,1291836,1788696,2102464,2365632,2688728,3294486,
%U 3756536,4158728,4239872,4248153,4620375,5532247,5738904,5938947,6344936,6562101,7095816,7924672
%N Numbers whose square is expressible as the difference of positive cubes in more than one way.
%H Donovan Johnson, <a href="/A051393/b051393.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..100</a>
%e 36963^2 = 1110^3-111^3 = 1332^3-999^3.
%o (PARI) mm=577350; cb=vector(mm); for(i=1, mm, cb[i]=i^3); v=vector(10^6); n=vector(10); c=0; mx=10^12; for(i=1, mm-1, for(j=i+1, mm, s=cb[j]-cb[i]; if(s<=mx, if(issquare(s,&r), v[r]++; if(v[r]==2, c++; n[c]=r)), next(2)))); n=vecsort(n); for(i=1, c, print1(n[i] ", ")) \\ _Donovan Johnson_, Oct 29 2013
%Y Cf. A038596, A038597.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Jud McCranie_
%E Corrected and extended by _Ray Chandler_, Dec 01 2008
%E Offset corrected by _Donovan Johnson_, Oct 29 2013