Euclid-Mullin sequence (A000945) with initial value a(1)=47 instead of a(1)=2.

%I #32 Oct 11 2023 15:19:18

%S 47,2,5,3,17,23971,7,4022094091,3673,11,32915297,

%T 21513736430048030802333949693291,43,349,613,37,6767927,59,71249,19,

%U 4455467,997,181,593,681271,113,13,1205224649,1699,533327,1361,29

%N Euclid-Mullin sequence (A000945) with initial value a(1)=47 instead of a(1)=2.

%H Tyler Busby, <a href="/A051319/b051319.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..35</a>

%H Andrew R. Booker and Sean A. Irvine, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1508.03039">The Euclid-Mullin graph</a>, arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.03039 [math.NT], 2015-2016.

%t a[1]=47; a[n_] := First[ Flatten[ FactorInteger[ 1+Product[ a[ j ], {j, 1, n-1} ] ] ] ]; Array[a, 10]

%o (PARI) spf(n)=factor(n)[1, 1]; \\ A020639

%o first(m)=my(v=vector(m)); v[1]=47; for(i=2, m, v[i]=spf(1+prod(j=1, i-1, v[j]))); v \\ _Anders Hellström_, Nov 25 2015; corrected by _Michel Marcus_, Oct 10 2023

%Y Cf. A000945, A000946, A005265, A005266, A020639.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Labos Elemer_