Smallest numerator of fraction using palindromes that approximates 'phi' to at least n digits after the decimal point.

%I #16 Jun 18 2021 01:12:21

%S 5,212,212,555,78287,936639,4347434,261565162,557191755,22113131122,

%T 35779797753,2583864683852,5269108019625,186632555236681,

%U 671032363230176,25566825552866552,63506697679660536,1599153538353519951,1599153538353519951

%N Smallest numerator of fraction using palindromes that approximates 'phi' to at least n digits after the decimal point.

%e n=4: 555/343 = 1.6180... correct to four digits after the decimal point.

%Y Denominators in A048434.

%Y Cf. A001622 (phi).

%K nonn,frac,base,more

%O 1,1

%A _Patrick De Geest_, Apr 15 1999

%E a(1) corrected and a(14)-a(19) from _Sean A. Irvine_, Jun 17 2021