Numbers whose sum of divisors is 6^4 = 1296.

%I #12 May 14 2018 05:59:35

%S 510,642,710,742,782,795,862,935,1177,1207,1219

%N Numbers whose sum of divisors is 6^4 = 1296.

%C Sequence has A048253(4)=11 terms from A048251(4)=510 to A048252(4)=1219. - _Ray Chandler_, Sep 01 2010

%e The divisors of 1219 are 1, 23, 53, and 1219, whose sum is 1296, so 1219 is in the sequence.

%t Select[Range[6^4], DivisorSigma[1, # ] == 6^4 &] (* _Ray Chandler_, Sep 01 2010 *)

%Y Cf. A006532, A020477, A019422, A019423, A018427, A048251-A048256.

%K nonn,fini,full

%O 1,1

%A _Labos Elemer_