%I #13 Apr 13 2021 20:43:39
%S 4,7,5,10,25,13,55,38,16,31,18,19,203,49,73,22,350,220,95,25,252,190,
%T 105,40,28,442,295,145,148,31,946,737,440,583,179,34,1683,1177,1903,
%U 254,71,37,3575,2860,5434,2665,325,250,40,6435,14014,8099,3640,1225,290
%N First numerator and then denominator of the elements to the right of the central elements of the 1/3-Pascal triangle (by row), excluding 1's and 3's.
%e 1/1; -->
%e 1/1 1/1; -->
%e 1/1 1/3 1/1; -->
%e 1/1 4/3 4/3 1/1; --> 4
%e 1/1 7/3 8/3 7/3 1/1; --> 7
%e 1/1 10/3 5/1 5/1 10/3 1/1; --> 5 10
%e 1/1 13/3 25/3 10/1 25/3 13/3 1/1; --> ...
%e 1/1 16/3 38/3 55/3 55/3 38/3 16/3 1/1; ...
%Y Cf. A046534.
%K tabf,nonn,frac,less
%O 1,1
%A _Mohammad K. Azarian_
%E Corrected and extended by _Sean A. Irvine_, Apr 13 2021