Odd numbers divisible by the palindromic sum of its palindromic prime factors (counted with multiplicity).

%I #10 Oct 10 2019 22:50:06

%S 27,5445,8085,18711,22275,658845,868095,978285,1164625,1452605,

%T 2695275,2898693,3622365,4002075,4222911,4764375,5671875,5942475,

%U 7074375,8421875,8582203,9261945,10637825,11026125,13752585,16372125,17275545

%N Odd numbers divisible by the palindromic sum of its palindromic prime factors (counted with multiplicity).

%e 8582203 = 7^3 * 131 * 191 -> Sum of factors is 343 -> 8582203 / 343 = 25021 exactly.

%t palQ[n_]:=Reverse[x=IntegerDigits[n]]==x; t={}; Do[If[!PrimeQ[n]&&And@@palQ/@Join[{y=Total[Times@@@(x=FactorInteger[n])]},First/@x]&&IntegerQ[n/y],AppendTo[t,n]],{n,9,6*10^6,2}]; t (* _Jayanta Basu_, Jun 05 2013 *)

%Y Cf. A046366.

%K nonn,base

%O 0,1

%A _Patrick De Geest_, Jun 15 1998