%I #16 Aug 21 2017 16:20:56
%S 3,5,8,7,20,12,9,28,11,33,16,48,36,13,39,65,20,60,15,44,88,24,17,51,
%T 85,119,52,19,104,57,95,28,133,84,140,21,60,105,120,32,96,23,69,115,
%U 160,161,68,207,136,25,75,204,36,175,180,225,76,27,252,152,135,189
%N Smallest member 'a' of the primitive Pythagorean triples (a,b,c) ordered by increasing c, then b.
%H Ivan Neretin, <a href="/A046086/b046086.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>
%H F. Richman, <a href="http://math.fau.edu/Richman/mla/pythag3s.htm">Pythagorean Triples</a>
%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PythagoreanTriple.html">Pythagorean Triple.</a>
%t maxHypo = 389; r[b_, c_] := Reduce[0 < a <= b < c && a^2 + b^2 == c^2, a, Integers]; Reap[Do[r0 = r[b, c]; If[r0 =!= False, {a0, b0, c0} = {a, b, c} /. ToRules[r0]; If[GCD[a0, b0, c0] == 1, Print[a0]; Sow[a0]]], {c, 1, maxHypo}, {b, 1, maxHypo}]][[2, 1]] (* _Jean-François Alcover_, Oct 22 2012 *)
%Y Cf. A046087, A020882.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Eric W. Weisstein_