Smallest Maris-McGwire k-tuple (k>1) for each k: f(n) = f(n+1) = ... = f(n+k-1), where f is defined in comments.

%I #22 Jul 06 2024 11:54:31

%S 7,212,8126,241995,3539990,1330820,12222533493,3249880870

%N Smallest Maris-McGwire k-tuple (k>1) for each k: f(n) = f(n+1) = ... = f(n+k-1), where f is defined in comments.

%C A045759 generalizes to k consecutive integers that all have the same value of f(n), where f(n) = sum of digits of n plus sum of digits in prime factors of n. The sequence shows the integer which starts the smallest set of k (and no more than k) consecutive integers having this property.

%H H. Havermann, <a href="http://chesswanks.com/pxp/seven.html">Maris-McGwire-Sosa 7-tuples, 8-tuples and 9-tuples</a>

%Y Cf. A045759, A006145.

%K nonn,more,base

%O 2,1

%A _Mike Keith_

%E Two more terms from _Hans Havermann_, Dec 13 2000

%E Offset changed to 2 by _Hans Havermann_, Jun 22 2014