Numbers k such that 2 and 4 occur juxtaposed in the base-9 representation of k but not of k+1.

%I #11 Aug 27 2021 01:48:24

%S 22,38,103,119,184,206,265,281,350,362,427,443,508,524,589,605,670,

%T 686,751,767,832,848,913,935,994,1010,1079,1091,1156,1172,1237,1253,

%U 1318,1334,1399,1415,1480,1496,1561,1577,1642,1664

%N Numbers k such that 2 and 4 occur juxtaposed in the base-9 representation of k but not of k+1.

%t SequencePosition[Table[If[SequenceCount[IntegerDigits[n,9],{2,4}]>0 || SequenceCount[ IntegerDigits[n,9],{4,2}]>0,1,0],{n,2000}],{1,0}][[All,1]] (* Requires Mathematica version 10 or later *) (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Feb 10 2019 *)

%Y Cf. A007095.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_