Numbers k such that 4 and 6 occur juxtaposed in the base-7 representation of k but not of k-1.

%I #8 Aug 22 2021 22:36:38

%S 34,46,83,95,132,144,181,193,230,238,279,291,322,340,377,389,426,438,

%T 475,487,524,536,573,581,622,634,665,683,720,732,769,781,818,830,867,

%U 879,916,924,965,977,1008,1026,1063,1075,1112

%N Numbers k such that 4 and 6 occur juxtaposed in the base-7 representation of k but not of k-1.

%Y Cf. A007093.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_