Numbers k such that 1 and 3 occur juxtaposed in the base-5 representation of k but not of k-1.

%I #8 Aug 22 2021 15:43:13

%S 8,16,33,40,58,66,80,91,108,116,133,141,158,165,183,191,200,233,241,

%T 258,266,283,290,308,316,330,341,358,366,383,391,400,433,441,455,466,

%U 483,491,508,516,533,540,558,566,580,591,608,616

%N Numbers k such that 1 and 3 occur juxtaposed in the base-5 representation of k but not of k-1.

%Y Cf. A007091.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_