Number of n-step self-avoiding paths on the first octant of a 3-dimensional cubic lattice, starting at the origin.

%I #20 Feb 20 2021 16:10:25

%S 1,3,9,33,123,489,1947,7977,32817,137253,576993,2452071,10468245,

%T 45032733,194475321,844608567,3680153043,16105438515,70677344403,

%U 311242931097,1373860647453,6081635195553

%N Number of n-step self-avoiding paths on the first octant of a 3-dimensional cubic lattice, starting at the origin.

%Y Cf. A039618, A005566.

%K nonn,walk,more

%O 0,2

%A _David W. Wilson_

%E a(19)-a(21) from _Scott R. Shannon_, Aug 14 2020

%E Title clarified by _Sean A. Irvine_, Feb 20 2021