Odd integers n such that 2^n == 16 (mod n).

%I #23 Sep 22 2016 16:45:46

%S 1,7,40369,673663,990409,1697609,2073127,6462649,7527199,7559479,

%T 14421169,21484129,37825753,57233047,130647919,141735559,179203369,

%U 188967289,218206489,259195009,264538057,277628449,330662479,398321239,501126487

%N Odd integers n such that 2^n == 16 (mod n).

%C The odd terms of A015924.

%C For all m, 2^A128121(m)-1 belongs to this sequence.

%H Max Alekseyev, <a href="/A033984/b033984.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..790</a> (all terms below 10^14)

%t Select[Range[1,510000001,2],PowerMod[2,#,#]==16&] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Dec 11 2010 *)

%Y Besides initial terms, the sequence coincides with A173138.

%Y Cf. A015924, A173138, A173572.

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A Joe K. Crump (joecr(AT)carolina.rr.com)

%E Edited and terms 1,7 prepended by _Max Alekseyev_, Aug 09 2012