%I #14 Feb 29 2020 18:57:04
%S 1,0,0,4646,93380,1059794,8621895,56103210,310044370,1510551680,
%T 6651075761,26933846630,101620829275,360788432800,1214753145335,
%U 3903008000874,12028224670920,35705261501310,102455800359789,285054726362240,770966832733441,2031593146266830
%N Character of extremal vertex operator algebra of rank 23.
%D G. Höhn, Selbstduale Vertexoperatorsuperalgebren und das Babymonster, Bonner Mathematische Schriften, Vol. 286 (1996), 1-85.
%H G. Höhn (gerald(AT)math.ksu.edu), Selbstduale Vertexoperatorsuperalgebren und das Babymonster, Doctoral Dissertation, Univ. Bonn, Jul 15 1995 (<a href="http://www.math.ksu.edu/~gerald/papers/dr.pdf">pdf</a>, <a href="http://www.math.ksu.edu/~gerald/papers/dr.ps.gz">ps</a>).
%F G.f.: x^(2*r/24) * (B(x)^(2*r) - 2*r*B(x)^(2*r-24) - r*(47-2*r)*B(x)^(2*r-48) where B(x) = x^(-1/24) * Product_{k>=0} (1+x^(2*k+1)) = x^(-1/24) * A000700 and r = 23. - _Sean A. Irvine_, Feb 29 2020
%Y Cf. A000700.
%K nonn,easy
%O 0,4
%A _N. J. A. Sloane_
%E More terms from _Sean A. Irvine_, Feb 29 2020