Number of perfect matchings in graph C_{12} X P_{n}.

%I #10 Dec 10 2013 11:40:32

%S 1,2,324,5408,290521,7840800,315169009,9973238912,363760971876,

%T 12182847645122,429360628398361,14676203195596800,510925709066955625,

%U 17592763058388349442,609770922769082170404,21051708310118797455872,728507206957425860397889

%N Number of perfect matchings in graph C_{12} X P_{n}.

%D Per Hakan Lundow, "Computation of matching polynomials and the number of 1-factors in polygraphs", Research report, No 12, 1996, Department of Math., Umea University, Sweden.

%H Alois P. Heinz, <a href="/A028483/b028483.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..300</a>

%H Per Hakan Lundow, <a href="http://www.theophys.kth.se/~phl/Text/1factors2.ps.gz">Enumeration of matchings in polygraphs</a>, 1998.

%F G.f.: -(x^25 -16*x^24 -540*x^23 +3599*x^22 +59509*x^21 -155952*x^20 -1748333*x^19 +2806163*x^18 +17912016*x^17 -22606315*x^16 -73250609*x^15 +79653348*x^14 +121223311*x^13 -121223311*x^12 -79653348*x^11 +73250609*x^10 +22606315*x^9 -17912016*x^8 -2806163*x^7 +1748333*x^6 +155952*x^5 -59509*x^4 -3599*x^3 +540*x^2 +16*x -1)/(x^27 -18*x^26 -828*x^25 +5679*x^24 +123246*x^23 -376038*x^22 -5123214*x^21 +10491426*x^20 +74277630*x^19 -117477618*x^18 -431411706*x^17 +555869106*x^16 +1065927888*x^15 -1154210706*x^14 -1154210706*x^13 +1065927888*x^12 +555869106*x^11 -431411706*x^10 -117477618*x^9 +74277630*x^8 +10491426*x^7 -5123214*x^6 -376038*x^5 +123246*x^4 +5679*x^3 -828*x^2 -18*x +1). - _Alois P. Heinz_, Dec 10 2013

%K nonn

%O 0,2

%A _Per H. Lundow_