When map in A006368 is iterated, all numbers fall into cycles; order cycles by smallest entry; a(n) is smallest entry in n-th cycle (some cycles are infinite).

%I #12 Nov 04 2013 12:40:24

%S 0,1,2,4,8,14,40,44,64,80,82,104,136,172,184,188,242,256,274,280,296,

%T 352,368,382,386,424,472,496,526,530,608,622,638,640,652,670,688,692,

%U 712,716,752,760,782,784,800,814,824,832,860,878,904,910,932,964,980,1022

%N When map in A006368 is iterated, all numbers fall into cycles; order cycles by smallest entry; a(n) is smallest entry in n-th cycle (some cycles are infinite).

%C Iterations of A006368 starting with a(3)=4, a(4)=8, a(5)=14 and a(6)=40 give trajectories A180853, A028393, A028395, A182205 respectively. [_Reinhard Zumkeller_, Apr 18 2012]

%D D. Gale, Tracking the Automatic Ant and Other Mathematical Explorations, A Collection of Mathematical Entertainments Columns from The Mathematical Intelligencer, Springer, 1998; see p. 16.

%H <a href="/index/3#3x1">Index entries for sequences related to 3x+1 (or Collatz) problem</a>

%K nonn

%O 0,3

%A _J. H. Conway_ and _Wouter Meeussen_