Place n distinguishable balls in n boxes (in n^n ways); let f(n,k) = number of ways that max in any box is k, for 1<=k<=n; sequence gives f(n,4)/n.

%I #6 Mar 28 2019 11:24:45

%S 1,20,375,7560,167825,4110120,110602800,3252075750,103881924300,

%T 3585467886000,133052005386300,5284678706307000,223761183682286250,

%U 10063370411081988000,479152851159102120000,24082014064135799772000

%N Place n distinguishable balls in n boxes (in n^n ways); let f(n,k) = number of ways that max in any box is k, for 1<=k<=n; sequence gives f(n,4)/n.

%Y Cf. A019576.

%K nonn

%O 4,2

%A Lee Corbin (lcorbin(AT)tsoft.com)

%E More terms from _Sean A. Irvine_, Mar 27 2019