%I #12 Jan 31 2025 16:00:30
%S 0,0,5,5,5,28,54,102,287,630,1409,3506,8420,20697,51821,130825,337997,
%T 872356,2260185,5945295,15659744,41266655,109421291,290699216,
%U 772587608,2058208309,5491874491,14665358128,39213733667
%N Cycle class sequence c(n) (the number of true cycles of length n in which a certain node is included) for zeolite MFI = ZSM-5 Nan[AlnSi96-nO192] starting with a T5 atom.
%D G. Thimm and W. E. Klee, Zeolite cycle sequences, Zeolites, 19, pp. 422-424, 1997.
%H G. Thimm, <a href="/thimm1.html">Cycle sequences of crystal structures</a>
%K nonn,more
%O 3,3
%A Georg Thimm (mgeorg(AT)ntu.edu.sg)
%E a(20)-a(31) from _Sean A. Irvine_, Apr 11 2019