%I #11 Jan 19 2025 19:29:40
%S 0,1,2,5,9,18,19,83,169,450,1125,2944,7247,19186,47324,122937,310406,
%T 802867,2060084,5354123,13838596,36175025,94205440,247125778,
%U 648035596,1706340655,4495756752,11884095578,31435147724
%N Cycle class sequence c(n) (the number of true cycles of length n in which a certain node is included) for zeolite HEU = Heulandite Ca4[Al8Si28O72].24H2O starting with a T4 atom.
%D G. Thimm and W. E. Klee, Zeolite cycle sequences, Zeolites, 19, pp. 422-424, 1997.
%H G. Thimm, <a href="/thimm1.html">Cycle sequences of crystal structures</a>
%K nonn,more
%O 3,3
%A Georg Thimm (mgeorg(AT)ntu.edu.sg)
%E a(21)-a(31) from _Sean A. Irvine_, Apr 08 2019