cosh(log(cos(x))) = 1+3/4!*x^4+30/6!*x^6+693/8!*x^8+25260/10!*x^10...

%I #24 May 22 2017 13:01:56

%S 1,0,3,30,693,25260,1351383,99680490,9695756073,1202439837720,

%T 185185594118763,34674437196568950,7757267081778543453,

%U 2043536254646561946180,626129820701814932734143,220771946624511552276841410,88759695789769644718332394833

%N cosh(log(cos(x))) = 1+3/4!*x^4+30/6!*x^6+693/8!*x^8+25260/10!*x^10...

%F a(n) = (1/2)*((-1)^n+A000364(n)). Also cosh(log(cos(x))) = 1/2*(cos(x)+1/cos(x)) is the reciprocal of the e.g.f. of A012009. - _Peter Bala_, Dec 02 2011

%t terms = 15; s = Cosh[Log[Cos[x]]] + O[x]^(2*terms); CoefficientList[s, x^2] * Table[(2n)!, {n, 0, terms-1}] (* _Jean-François Alcover_, May 22 2017 *)

%Y Cf. A012003, A012008, A012009.

%K nonn

%O 0,3

%A Patrick Demichel (patrick.demichel(AT)hp.com)

%E Confirmed by _N. J. A. Sloane_, Dec 17 2011