%I #18 Aug 02 2020 21:22:52
%S 6,1029,2052,3075,4098,5121,6144,59054,60077,61100,62123,63146,64169,
%T 118102,119125,120148,121171,122194,177150,178173,179196,180219,
%U 236198,237221,238244,295246,296269,354294,1048581,1049604,1050627,1051650,1052673,1053696,1107629,1108652
%N Numbers that are the sum of 6 positive 10th powers.
%H David A. Corneth, <a href="/A004806/b004806.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>
%e From _David A. Corneth_, Aug 02 2020: (Start)
%e 3233088249 is in the sequence as 3233088249 = 4^10 + 4^10 + 5^10 + 8^10 + 8^10 + 8^10.
%e 5125476725 is in the sequence as 5125476725 = 1^10 + 1^10 + 7^10 + 7^10 + 8^10 + 9^10.
%e 12440773098 is in the sequence as 12440773098 = 4^10 + 5^10 + 7^10 + 8^10 + 8^10 + 10^10. (End)
%t k = 6; p = 10; amax = 2*10^6; bmax = amax^(1/p) // Ceiling; Clear[b]; b[0] = 1; Select[Table[Total[Array[b, k]^p], {b[1], b[0], bmax}, Evaluate[ Sequence @@ Table[{b[j], b[j-1], bmax}, {j, 1, k}]]] // Flatten // Union, # <= amax&] (* _Jean-François Alcover_, Jul 19 2017 *)
%K nonn,easy
%O 1,1
%A _N. J. A. Sloane_