Numbers k >= 2 such that if 1 < j < k then (fractional part of log k) < (fractional part of log j).
2, 3, 8, 21, 55, 149, 404, 1097, 2981, 162755, 1202605, 3269018, 8886111, 24154953, 178482301, 9744803447, 26489122130, 195729609429, 532048240602, 1446257064292, 3931334297145, 10686474581525, 29048849665248, 78962960182681, 583461742527455, 1586013452313431
Sequence lists all numbers k > 1 for which the fractional part of log(k) reaches a record low. For n > 1, this can happen only when a(n) = ceiling(e^m) for some positive integer m; see Example section. - Jon E. Schoenfield, May 28 2018
From Jon E. Schoenfield, May 28 2018: (Start)
k = ceiling(e^m) yields a term for some but not all positive integers m:
m | k=ceiling(e^m) | log(k)
1 | 3 = a(2) | 1.0986122886681096913...
2 | 8 = a(3) | 2.0794415416798359282...
3 | 21 = a(4) | 3.0445224377234229965...
4 | 55 = a(5) | 4.0073331852324709186...
5 | 149 = a(6) | 5.0039463059454591409...
6 | 404 = a(7) | 6.0014148779611500697...
7 | 1097 = a(8) | 7.0003344602752302459...
8 | 2981 = a(9) | 8.0000140936780714441...
9 | 8104 | 9.0001130459285193087...
10 | 22027 | 10.0000242525841575280...
11 | 59875 | 11.0000143347132163589...
12 | 162755 = a(10) | 12.0000012815651115743...
13 | 442414 | 13.0000013742591718739...
14 | 1202605 = a(11) | 14.0000005952373691014...
15 | 3269018 = a(12) | 15.0000001919622191103...
16 | 8886111 = a(13) | 16.0000000539597288735...
17 | 24154953 = a(14) | 17.0000000102018291255...
18 | 65659970 | 18.0000000131384387554...
19 | 178482301 = a(15) | 19.0000000002062542837...
20 | 485165196 | 20.0000000012165129058...
21 | 1318815735 | 21.0000000003918555785...
22 | 3584912847 | 22.0000000002422397629...
23 | 9744803447 = a(16) | 23.0000000000770767110...
24 | 26489122130 = a(17) | 24.0000000000059091314...
25 | 72004899338 | 25.0000000000085289679...
26 | 195729609429 = a(18) | 26.0000000000008237677...
27 | 532048240602 = a(19) | 27.0000000000003785057...
28 | 1446257064292 = a(20) | 28.0000000000003628859...
29 | 3931334297145 = a(21) | 29.0000000000002436642...
30 | 10686474581525 = a(22) | 30.0000000000000503302...
31 | 29048849665248 = a(23) | 31.0000000000000197862...
32 | 78962960182681 = a(24) | 32.0000000000000038605...
33 | 214643579785917 | 33.0000000000000043578...
34 | 583461742527455 = a(25) | 34.0000000000000002032...
35 | 1586013452313431 = a(26) | 35.0000000000000001714...
36 | 4311231547115196 | 36.0000000000000001792...
For k = ceiling(e^m) > 2, 0 < frac(log(k)) < e^(-m), so frac(log(k)) must approach 0 as m increases, but it does not do so monotonically; at values of m where frac(log(k)) is particularly small relative to e^(-m) (e.g., at m = 8 or m = 19), the next term after a(n) = k = ceiling(e^m) can be as large as a(n+1) = ceiling(e^(ceiling(-log(frac(log(k)))))).
(PARI) lista(n) = {last = frac(log(2)); for (k=2, n, new = frac(log(k)); if (new < last, print1 (k, ", "); last = new; ); ); } \\ Michel Marcus, Mar 21 2013
Cf. A004791.
Sequence in context: A288252 A122263 A132730 * A245464 A243562 A238329
More terms from David W. Wilson
a(24)-a(26) from Jon E. Schoenfield, May 28 2018