Dimensions of integral lattices that are irreducible modulo every prime (there may be missing terms!).

%I #13 Nov 06 2013 10:42:15

%S 1,8,24,248

%N Dimensions of integral lattices that are irreducible modulo every prime (there may be missing terms!).

%D R. Gow, Even unimodular lattices ... J. Alg. 22 (1989), 510-519.

%D R. Gow, Unimodular integral lattices ... Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 21 (1989), 257-262.

%D B. H. Gross, Groups over Z, Invent Math. 124 (1996) 263-279.

%D J. G. Thompson, A simple subgroup of E_8(3), in Finite Groups Sympos., ed. N Iwahori, Japan Soc. Promotion Science, Tokyo, 1976, pp. 113-116.

%D J. G. Thompson, Finite groups and integral lattices, J. Alg 38 (1976) 523-524.

%K nonn,nice

%O 1,2

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_ and _J. H. Conway_