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User:Robert Cailliau

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For a more formal bio you can look at: (not quite complete and somewhat biased, but ethically I'm not allowed to change the page about myself)

Looking back on my professional life, I have always been interested in the human-machine interface, and this ranged from computer control systems (1970-1980) over document processing (1980-1989) to the web (1989-2002) and terminated with a stint as head of CERN's external Communications. I retired in 2007, and have too many hobbies to mention. Some of them are: reverse-engineering Lego, reflecting on the qualities of programming languages, flying single-engine airplanes (out of Geneva airport), restoring clocks, photography, travelling, … There is an irrepressible urge to connect anything of interest to something else of interest, possibly highly unrelated. I have one "puzzle" type sequence to add to the encyclopedia.

Personal site: