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User:Ralf Stephan/Macros

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I keep writing the same things as editor, so I'll collect these here for copy & paste.

You may want to leave out the bold memes. Or not.

  • It's not about numbers alone. Please realize that, instead of the sequence itself, what makes an OEIS entry valuable is what you associate with it. Even a computer can come up with new sequences but it cannot find a math paper where that sequence appears, or a new conjecture about it (new in the sense that mathematicians didn't think of it before). So, what can you add of value to your sequence?
  • Arbitrary. Please refrain from submitting sequences that have constants > 10. We do not accept any arbitrary sequence, there are infinite possibilities without changing a constant. Does not apply to old sequences.
  • Arbitrary constant. Because the OEIS is not a Wiki, it is moderated. The moderators value original work because automatic work can be done by machines. You haven't shown that original work is connected with this submission. Moreover, the constant can be easily generated from existing constants. Two reasons against.
  • Drivel in crossrefs. There should be as few as possible text in crossrefs. Please look at other sequences how it is done, or link to a web or wiki page with the information.
  • Complicated definition. If the formula is more voluminous or complicated than the g.f., then you better use the g.f. as definition. Please change.
  • Wrong input box. Don't write those interesting things in the sequence notes, put it in the sequence!
  • Hand fiddler. Such mistakes do always come if you find the numbers manually. Please use a program, and put the code here. Why should we always do your homework and clean up your mess? It is YOUR responsibility, (name here), to do everything you can to have the numbers right.
  • No squeezing. Squeezing of tuples into one-dimensional sequences is not encouraged. Rather use three sequences (or less if the sections are easy).
  • Move on. the best procedure would be now to add a comment to A047838 using the text from this submission, except you find it there already. At the end of line add ~~~~ this will later expand to your signature. After the edit is done we will recycle this sequence number.

Other hints:

  • So many numbers. If you think it too much work to submit a new sequence, an alternative is to add a comment to this sequence and give about the first 15 numbers 3, 5, 11, 15, 19, 29, 35, 51, ... so that they can be found with a search.