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User:Louise Romana Wade

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My name is Louise Romana Wade.

I was born and raised in Wales and have always enjoyed number patterns and sequences, even from a young age.

When I was about 7 every night I would choose a number and try to count in that number to a set goal before going to sleep. Most times that number would be 4, although I don't actually like the number 4.

When studying my Maths A-Level I used to find that some topics that were taught to the class were things I'd worked out years prior when trying to sleep, without intending to. These were mostly simple things, like the formulas for the summation of integers and stuff, but it always seemed interesting.

I am not a mathematician, just someone who enjoys this stuff for fun. I was studying for a Mathematics degree, but have dropped it due to personal issues.

If you want to find me for mathematical purposes, I would advise to find me on LinkedIn, which I shall link below. You can alternatively email me, to which I will do my best to reply.
