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User:Giuseppe Pirillo

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\centerline{\bf CURRICULUM VITAE}

\centerline{\bf Giuseppe Pirillo}

HOME ADDRESS: Via Fra' Bartolomeo, 70, 59100 (Prato) Italy.

EDUCATION: Laurea in Matematica Univ. Firenze, Italia; Doctorat 3\`eme cycles Univ. Paris VII, France; Doctorat \`es Sciences (Contribution \`a la combinatoire des mots) Univ. Paris VII, France\newline

PAST POSITIONS: 1976-1988 Ricercatore CNR, Firenze, Italia; 1988-1999 Primo Ricercatore CNR, Firenze, Italia; 1999-2014 Direttore di Ricerca, CNR, Firenze, Italia.

SERVICE: Organizer of several meetings.

MAIN TEACHING ACTIVITIES: Course at the Ph.D. program in Mathematics at the University of Firenze, Bologna, Siena, Calabria.

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Fibonacci word, Sturmian words, Shirshov Theorem, Repetitive semigroups, Ramsey theorem, Codes theory, latin squares, groups theory, computational methods for genome applications. The results have been published in the book "M. Lothaire, Combinatorics on Words, Addison Wesley, 1983" and in some of the most important mathematics journals.

RESEARCH GRANTS: Combinatorial properties of circular codes in genes, BIO4-CT96-5041 (DG 12 - SSMA) 01/06/1996-31/05/1997 \end{document}