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User:D n Verma

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Daya-nand Verma  (Jun 25, 1933 – June 10, 2012)

Lately I rarely use my full name (Daya-nand Verma) under which my (as yet unpublished, Yale-1966) Thesis Announcemnt appeared [Bull-AMS '68, perhaps my most cited work, though its content became classical enough, decades ago, not to need any citation of the original). This had a down-side in my much better works (pub'ld + {cited Preprints}) appear as ignored; but for the OEIS user, it's more relevant to be aware of my 2 bouts of contributions, each arising from a Specific BI-(=2parameterFamily) Sequence, both related to specific generating functions : First in 1997 I'd put a few initial terms of A012249 A012250 A013561 A013630 A005043 A006007 which came from Invariant Theory; & then in 2004 I inserted the Weird looking Denominators of RATIONAL GF's that described the Number of "Positive k-Braids of given Length"; this refers only to k-strand Artin Braids (of TYPE \A_{k-1} in Brieskorn sense, with Length being in the Group-Presentation sense (for the Coxeter generators).

[My old friend Daya-nand Verma passed away June 10, 2012 in Mumbai. - N. J. A. Sloane]
