Alternately strict partitions. Number of even-length integer partitions y of n such that y_i > y_{i+1} for all odd i.
1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19, 23, 28, 34, 41, 50, 60, 71, 85, 102, 120, 142, 168, 197, 231, 271, 316, 369, 429, 497, 577, 668, 770, 888, 1023, 1175, 1348, 1545, 1767, 2020, 2306, 2626, 2990, 3401, 3860, 4379, 4963, 5616, 6350, 7173, 8093
Write the series in the g.f. given below as Sum_{k >= 0} q^(1 + 3 + 5 + ... + 2*k-1 + 2*k)/Product_{i = 1..2*k} 1 - q^i. Since 1/Product_{i = 1..2*k} 1 - q^i is the g.f. for partitions with parts <= 2*k, we see that the k-th summand of the series is the g.f. for partitions with largest part 2*k in which every odd number less than 2*k appears at least once as a part. The partitions of this type are conjugate to (and hence equinumerous with) the partitions (y_1, y_2, ..., y_{2*k}) of even length 2*k having strict decrease y_i > y_(i+1) for all odd i < 2*k. - Peter Bala, Jan 02 2024
Conjecture: a(n+1) = A122129(n+1) - A122130(n). - Gus Wiseman, Feb 21 2022
G.f.: Sum_{n >= 0} q^(n*(n+2))/Product_{k = 1..2*n} 1 - q^k = 1 + q^3 + q^4 + 2*q^5 + 2*q^6 + 3*q^7 + 4*q^8 + 5*q^9 + 6*q^10 + .... - Peter Bala, Jan 02 2024
The a(3) = 1 through a(13) = 12 partitions (A..C = 10..12):
21 31 32 42 43 53 54 64 65 75 76
41 51 52 62 63 73 74 84 85
61 71 72 82 83 93 94
3221 81 91 92 A2 A3
4221 4321 A1 B1 B2
5221 4331 4332 C1
5321 5331 5332
6221 5421 5431
6321 6331
7221 6421
a(10) = 6: the six partitions 64, 73, 82, 91, 4321 and 5221 listed above have conjugate partitions 222211, 2221111, 22111111, 211111111, 4321 and 43111, These are the partitions of 10 with largest part L even and such that every odd number less than L appears at least once as a part. - Peter Bala, Jan 02 2024
series(add(q^(n*(n+2))/mul(1 - q^k, k = 1..2*n), n = 0..10), q, 141):
seq(coeftayl(%, q = 0, n), n = 0..140); # Peter Bala, Jan 03 2025
Table[Length[Select[IntegerPartitions[n], EvenQ[Length[#]]&&And@@Table[#[[i]]!=#[[i+1]], {i, 1, Length[#]-1, 2}]&]], {n, 0, 30}]
The version for equal instead of unequal is A035363.
The alternately equal and unequal version is A035457, any length A351005.
This is the even-length case of A122129, opposite A122135.
The odd-length version appears to be A122130.
The alternately unequal and equal version is A351007, any length A351006.
Sequence in context: A092833 A280664 A100926 * A258875 A179241 A316082
Gus Wiseman, Jan 31 2022