a(n) is the largest level N such that genus of modular curve X_0(N) is n (or -1 if no such curve exists).
25, 49, 50, 64, 81, 75, 121, 100, 169, 128, 127, 147, 157, 163, 181, 193, 199, 289, 229, 243, 239, 257, 361, 283, 293, 313, 343, 337, 349, 353, 373, 379, 397, 409, 421, 529, 439, 457, 463, 467, 487, 499, 509, 523, 541, 547, 557, 577, 625, 601, 613, 619, 631, 643, 661, 673, 677, 691, 841, 667, 733
a(10^7) = 120000007 is the largest value in the first 1+10^7 terms of the sequence.
The exception occurs first at a(150) = -1. - Georg Fischer, Feb 15 2019
J. A. Csirik, M. Zieve, and J. Wetherell, On the genera of X0(N), arXiv:math/0006096 [math.NT], 2000.
Let S(n) = {k, n = A001617(k)}; if the level set S(n) is not empty then a(n) = max S(n) and A054728(n) = min S(n) and A273445(n) = card S(n), otherwise a(n) = A054728(n) = -1 and A273445(n) = 0.
For n = 0 we have 0 = A001617(k) when k is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 25 (A091401); the largest of this values is 25 therefore a(0) = 25.
For n = 1 we have 1 = A001617(k) when k is 11, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 27, 32, 36, 49 (A091403); the largest of this values is 49 therefore a(1) = 49.
For n = 2 we have 2 = A001617(k) when k is 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 31, 37, 50 (A091404); the largest of this values is 50 therefore a(2) = 50.
For n = 150 (= A054729(1)) we have 150 <> A001617(k) for all k therefore a(150) = -1.
a1617[n_] := If[n < 1, 0, 1 + Sum[MoebiusMu[d]^2 n/d/12 - EulerPhi[GCD[d, n/d]]/2, {d, Divisors[n]}] - Count[(#^2 - # + 1)/n& /@ Range[n], _?IntegerQ]/3 - Count[(#^2 + 1)/n& /@ Range[n], _?IntegerQ]/4];
seq[n_] := Module[{a, bnd}, a = Table[-1, {n+1}]; bnd = 12n + 18 Floor[Sqrt[n] ] + 100; For[k = 1, k <= bnd, k++, g = a1617[k]; If[g <= n, a[[g+1]] = k]]; a];
seq[60] (* Jean-François Alcover, Nov 20 2018, after Gheorghe Coserea and Michael Somos in A001617 *)
A000089(n) = {
if (n%4 == 0 || n%4 == 3, return(0));
if (n%2 == 0, n \= 2);
my(f = factor(n), fsz = matsize(f)[1]);
prod(k = 1, fsz, if (f[k, 1] % 4 == 3, 0, 2));
A000086(n) = {
if (n%9 == 0 || n%3 == 2, return(0));
if (n%3 == 0, n \= 3);
my(f = factor(n), fsz = matsize(f)[1]);
prod(k = 1, fsz, if (f[k, 1] % 3 == 2, 0, 2));
A001615(n) = {
my(f = factor(n), fsz = matsize(f)[1],
g = prod(k=1, fsz, (f[k, 1]+1)),
h = prod(k=1, fsz, f[k, 1]));
A001616(n) = {
my(f = factor(n), fsz = matsize(f)[1]);
prod(k = 1, fsz, f[k, 1]^(f[k, 2]\2) + f[k, 1]^((f[k, 2]-1)\2));
A001617(n) = 1 + A001615(n)/12 - A000089(n)/4 - A000086(n)/3 - A001616(n)/2;
seq(n) = {
my(a = vector(n+1, g, -1), bnd = 12*n + 18*sqrtint(n) + 100, g);
for (k = 1, bnd, g = A001617(k); if (g <= n, a[g+1] = k));
Gheorghe Coserea, May 23 2016