Triangle T(n,k) represents the coefficients of (x^17*d/dx)^n, where n=1,2,3,...

%I #10 Apr 23 2018 19:00:33

%S 1,17,1,561,51,1,27489,3111,102,1,1786785,232815,9945,170,1,144729585,

%T 20877615,1058250,24225,255,1,14038769745,2190735855,125644365,

%U 3480750,49980,357,1,1586380981185,263782657215,16639837830,529411365,9328410,92106,476,1

%N Triangle T(n,k) represents the coefficients of (x^17*d/dx)^n, where n=1,2,3,...

%C Generalization of Stirling numbers of second kind A008277, Lah-numbers A008297.

%e 1;

%e 17,1;

%e 561,51,1;

%e 27489,3111,102,1;

%e 1786785,232815,9945,170,1;

%e 144729585,20877615,1058250,24225,255,1;

%e 14038769745,2190735855,125644365,3480750,49980,357,1;

%e 1586380981185,263782657215,16639837830,529411365,9328410,92106,476,1;

%p b[0]:=f(x):

%p for j from 1 to 10 do

%p b[j]:=simplify(x^17*diff(b[j-1],x$1);

%p end do;

%Y Cf. A008277, A019538, A035342, A035469, A049029, A049385, A092082, A132056, A223511-A223522, A223168-A223172, A223523-A223532.

%K nonn,easy,tabl

%O 1,2

%A _Udita Katugampola_, Mar 23 2013