Numbers n such that some group of order n has a non-cyclic commutator group.
12, 18, 24, 32, 36, 48, 50, 54, 56, 60, 64, 72, 75, 80, 81, 84, 90, 96, 98, 100, 108, 112, 120, 126, 128, 132, 144, 147, 150, 156, 160, 162, 168, 180, 192, 196, 198, 200, 204, 216, 224, 225, 228, 234, 240, 242, 243, 250, 252, 256, 264, 270, 276, 280, 288, 294, 300, 306, 312, 320, 324, 336, 338, 342
The complementary sequence 1, 2, 3, 4... is much denser and contains all n such that each group of order n has a cyclic commutator group.
Let the factorization of n into powers of squarefree mutually coprime numbers n_1, n_2, n_3, n_4, n_5,... be n = n_1 *n_2^2 *n_3^3 *n_4^4 * n_5^5*..., see A051903.
Then the complementary sequence contains n of the form n = n_1*n_2^2*n_3^3*n_4^4 under the constraints:
(i) n_4=1 or n_4=2
(ii) gcd(n, psi(n_2^2*n_3^3*n_4^4)) =1 where psi(k) = abs(A153038(k)) .
1) Does not contain 10 = 10*1*1*1 where n_4=1 and gcd(10,|A153038(1)|)=1.
Both groups of order 10 have cyclic commutator groups: D10 has C5 and C10 has E.
2) Contains 12 = 3*2^2 where n_4=1 and gcd(12,|A153038(4)|) >1.
The group A4 of order 12 has a commutator group C2 x C2 which is not cyclic.
3) Contains 18 = 2*3^2 where n_4=1 and gcd(18,|A153038(9)|) >1.
The group (C3 x C3) : C2 of order 18 has a commutator group C3 x C3 which is not cyclic. (Gap notation, SmallGroup(18,4), where the colon is the semidirect product)
4) Contains 24 = 3*1*2^3 where n_4=1 and gcd(24,|A153038(9)|) >1.
5) Contains 32 = 1*1*1*1*2^5 where n_5>1.
6) Contains 48 = 3*1*1*2^4 where n_4=2 and gcd(48,|A153038(16)|)>1.
nsq := proc(n)
local f, L ;
L := [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] ;
if n = 1 then
return L;
for f in ifactors(n)[2] do
p := op(1, f) ;
e := op(2, f) ;
i := e ;
L := subsop(i=op(i, L)*p^e, L) ;
end do:
return L ;
end if;
end proc:
Pazdn4 := proc(L)
if nops(L) <4 then
sqrt(sqrt(op(4, L))) ;
end if;
end proc:
hihno1 := proc(L)
i := 0 ;
for j from 1 to nops(L) do
if op(j, L) > 1 then
i := j ;
end if;
end do:
i ;
end proc:
for n from 1 to 600 do
nf := nsq(n) ;
n4 := Pazdn4(nf) ;
psarg := op(2, nf)*op(3, nf)*op(4, nf) ;
if ( n4 =1 or n4 =2) and gcd(n, abs(A153038(psarg))) = 1 and hihno1(nf) < 5 then
printf("%d, ", n) ;
end if;
end do:
A153038[n_] := If[n == 1, 1, x = 1; Do[p = f[[1]]; e = f[[2]]; x = x*Product[1 - p^s, {s, 1, e}], {f, FactorInteger[n]}]; x];
nsq[n_] := Module[{f, L}, L = Table[1, {44}]; If[n == 1, Return[L], Do[{p, e} = f; L[[e]] = L[[e]]*p^e, {f, FactorInteger[n]}]]; L];
Pazdn4[L_] := If[Length[L] < 4, 1, Sqrt[Sqrt[L[[4]]]]];
hihno1[L_] := Module[{i, j}, i = 0; For[j = 1, j <= Length[L], j++, If[L[[j]] > 1, i = j]]; i];
Reap[For[n = 1, n <= 600, n++, nf = nsq[n]; n4 = Pazdn4[nf]; psarg = nf[[2]] * nf[[3]] * nf[[4]]; If[(n4 == 1 || n4 == 2) && GCD[n, Abs[A153038[psarg]]] == 1 && hihno1[nf] < 5, , Sow[n]]]][[2, 1]] (* Jean-François Alcover, Jun 07 2024, after R. J. Mathar *)
Sequence in context: A159886 A258914 A241646 * A206449 A241852 A113756
R. J. Mathar, Apr 03 2012