The subset of numbers of A035497 with the internal digits in the decimal representation all zero.
A number is in this sequence if and only if it is a prime of the form a00...00b, where (a,b) is one of (1,3), (1,9), (2,3), (3,1), (4,9), (7,9), (9,1), or (9,7). - Nathaniel Johnston, Apr 30 2011
Nathaniel Johnston, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..90
A003132 := proc(n) local digs, i ; digs := convert(n, base, 10) ; add( (op(i, digs))^2, i=1..nops(digs)) ; end: isA035497 := proc(n) local nItr ; nItr := n ; if isprime(n) then while true do if nItr = 0 or nItr=4 or nItr = 16 or nItr = 20 or nItr = 37 or nItr = 42 or nItr =58 or nItr =89 or nItr = 145 then RETURN(false) ; elif nItr = 1 then RETURN(true) ; fi ; nItr := A003132(nItr) ; od ; else false ; fi ; end: isA109902 := proc(n) local digs, d ; if isprime(n) and n > 9 then digs := convert(n, base, 10) ; for d from 2 to nops(digs)-1 do if op(d, digs) <> 0 then RETURN(false) ; fi ; od ; RETURN(isA035497(n)) ; else RETURN(false) ; fi ; end: for i from 1 to 20000 do p := ithprime(i) : if isA109902(p) then printf("%d, ", p) ; fi ; od:
diglim:=20: dig:=[[1, 3], [1, 9], [2, 3], [3, 1], [4, 9], [7, 9], [9, 1], [9, 7]]: for k from 1 to diglim do for m from 1 to 8 do n:=dig[m][1]*10^k + dig[m][2]: if(isprime(n))then printf("%d, ", n): fi:od:od: # Nathaniel Johnston, Apr 30 2011
Select[Sort[Flatten[With[{ab={{1, 3}, {1, 9}, {2, 3}, {3, 1}, {4, 9}, {7, 9}, {9, 1}, {9, 7}}}, Table[FromDigits[Join[PadRight[{ab[[n, 1]]}, i, 0], {ab[[n, 2]]}]], {n, 8}, {i, 9}]]]], PrimeQ] (* Harvey P. Dale, May 31 2013 *)
Paul Muljadi, Jun 22 2007
Edited by R. J. Mathar, Jul 13 2007
a(24) - a(35) from Nathaniel Johnston, Apr 30 2011