%I #6 May 22 2013 14:24:11
%S 0,2,3,7,8,12,23,40,53,54,56,72,82,113,124,129,213,214,215,216,220
%N Assume the conjectured terms of A105594 are the correct beginnings of the trajectories described in A003508. a(n) is a record length of b(n) iterations to arrive at the collected trajectories. This sequence cites the b(n)'s.
%C The trajectory in A003508, etc., is defined as a(1)=n, for n>1, a(n) = a(n-1) + 1 + sum of distinct prime factors of a(n-1) that are < a(n-1).
%t a[1] = 1; a[n_] := a[n] = a[n - 1] + 1 + Plus @@ Select[ Flatten[ Table[ #[[1]], {1}] & /@ FactorInteger[ a[n - 1]]], # < a[n - 1] &]; t = Table[ a[n], {n, 1500}]; f[n_] := Module[{b, k = 1}, b[1] = n; b[m_] := b[m] = b[m - 1] + 1 + Plus @@ Select[ Flatten[ Table[ #[[1]], {1}] & /@ FactorInteger[ b[m - 1]]], # < b[m - 1] &]; While[ Position[t, b[k]] == {} && k < 1000, k++ ]; If[ k == 1000, t = Select[ Union[ Join[t, Table[ b[i], {i, 2, k}]]], # > n &]; -1, k - 1]]; lst = {{1, 0}}; Do[d = f[n]; If[d > lst[[ -1, 2]], AppendTo[lst, {n, d}]], {n, 60000}]; Transpose[ lst][[2]]
%Y Cf. A105593, the a(n)'s are in A105600.
%K nonn
%O 0,2
%A _R. K. Guy_ and _Robert G. Wilson v_, Apr 15 2005