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Template:Sequence of the Day

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Sequence of the Day for July 17

A083216: Fibonacci-like primefree sequence.

{ 20615674205555510, 3794765361567513, 24410439567123023, 28205204928690536, ... }
Like the sequence of Fibonacci numbers, this sequence has two initial terms set, and the rest are given by the familiar recurrence relation
a (n) = a (n  − 1) + a (n  − 2), n   ≥   2
. The amazing thing about this sequence is that there are no prime numbers among any of its terms even though the initial terms
a (0) = 2 × 5 × 5623 × 366631232537
a (1) = 3 × 1264921787189171
are coprime.

And whereas the search for prime numbers seeks larger and larger primes, the search for primefree sequences seeks smaller initial terms. When in 1964, Ronald Graham (of Graham’s number fame) proved that this kind of sequence is possible, his example had initial terms with more than thirty digits each (in base 10). Donald Knuth found a 17-digit pair in 1990, and later that same year Herbert Wilf found this sequence with slightly smaller initial terms. The current record is a 12-digit pair found by John W. Nicol in 1999.

The following is in the <noinclude> ... </noinclude> section.

For more details about today's Sequence of the Day, see {{Sequence of the Day for July 17}}.

Guidelines for selecting the Sequence of the Day

  • These are not rules. But if they were rules, they would only be enforced by the honor system.
  • Whenever practical, the Sequence of the Day should bear some relation either to the calendar date (hint: browse arXiv e-prints by date) or to some recent newsworthy event.
  • The write-up should be brief and not require advanced mathematical knowledge to understand.
  • Positive preference given to sequences with keyword:nice.
  • No special preference for sequences with keyword:core.
  • Negative preference for sequences with keyword:uned or keyword:less. However, it is perfectly acceptable to polish up an uned sequence just prior to featuring.
  • Each OEIS contributor should get at least one opportunity to choose the Sequence of the Day.
  • The chooser ought not choose a sequence they have authored. But one they have edited heavily is perfectly acceptable.
  • Ideally this will be changed each day at 0:00 per the OEIS Wiki clock. Each Sequence of the Day should be up for at least 22 hours but not more than 26 hours.
  • There shouldn't be a big, heavy, bureaucratic apparatus to administer this feature.