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Lucas–Lehmer primality test

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The Lucas–Lehmer test (LLT) is a primality test for Mersenne numbers. The test was originally developed by Édouard Lucas in 1856,[1] and subsequently improved by Lucas in 1878 and D. H. Lehmer in the 1930s.

Lucas–Lehmer primality test

The Lucas–Lehmer test works as follows. Let
Mp = 2p  −  1
be the Mersenne number to test with
an odd prime (because
is exponentially smaller than
, we can use a simple algorithm like trial division for establishing its primality). Define a sequence
{si}i   ≥  0
s0 = 4;
si = (si  − 1 ) 2 − 2, i ≥ 1.
A003010 A Lucas–Lehmer sequence:
a (0) = 4
; for
n > 0, a (n) = (a (n  −  1)) 2  −  2
{4, 14, 194, 37634, 1416317954, 2005956546822746114, 4023861667741036022825635656102100994, 16191462721115671781777559070120513664958590125499158514329308740975788034, ...}
is prime if and only if
sp  − 2 ≡ 0  (mod Mp ).
The number
sp  − 2 mod Mp
is called the Lucas–Lehmer residue of
. (Some authors equivalently set
s1 = 4
and test
sp  − 1 mod Mp
). In pseudocode, the test might be written:
// Determine if M_p = 2^p − 1 is prime, where p is an odd prime.

    var s = 4
    var M = 2^p − 1
    repeat p − 2 times:
        s = (s^2 − 2) mod M
    if s = 0 return PRIME else return COMPOSITE
By performing the mod M at each iteration, we ensure that all intermediate results are at most
bits (otherwise the number of bits would double each iteration). It is exactly the same strategy employed in modular exponentiation.

Residues of the Lucas–Lehmer primality test

In the table,
M  (  pk ) = 2  pk  −  1
is the
th Mersenne number, where the index
refers to the
th prime.
Residues of the Lucas–Lehmer primality test
M (  pk )
r (n), 0   ≤   n   ≤   k  −  2,
M (  pk )
M (  pk )
is prime if and only if
r (k  −  2) = 0
1 2 3 Prime Green tickY
1 × 2 + 1
2 being even, the Lucas–Lehmer primality test can’ t be used!  
2 3 7 Prime Green tickY
2 × 3 + 1
{4, 0}
3 5 31 Prime Green tickY
6 × 5 + 1
{4, 14, 8, 0}
4 7 127 Prime Green tickY
18 × 7 + 1
{4, 14, 67, 42, 111, 0}
5 11 2047 Not prime Red crossY
23 × 89
(2 × 11 + 1) × (8 × 11 + 1)
{4, 14, 194, 788, 701, 119, 1877, 240, 282, 1736}
6 13 8191 Prime Green tickY
630 × 13 + 1
{4, 14, 194, 4870, 3953, 5970, 1857, 36, 1294, 3470, 128, 0}
7 17 131071 Prime Green tickY
7710 × 17 + 1
{4, 14, 194, 37634, 95799, 119121, 66179, 53645, 122218, 126220, 70490, 69559, 99585, 78221, 130559, 0}
8 19 524287 Prime Green tickY
27594 × 19 + 1
{4, 14, 194, 37634, 218767, 510066, 386344, 323156, 218526, 504140, 103469, 417706, 307417, 382989, 275842, 85226, 523263, 0}
9 23 8388607 Not prime Red crossY
47 × 178481
(2 × 23 + 1) × (7760 × 23 + 1)
{4, 14, 194, 37634, 7031978, 7033660, 1176429, 7643358, 3179743, 2694768, 763525, 4182158, 7004001, 1531454, 5888805, 1140622, 4321431, 7041324, 2756392, 1280050, 6563009, 6107895}
10 29 536870911 Not prime Red crossY
233 × 1103 × 2089
(8 × 29 + 1) × (72 × 29 + 1)
{4, 14, 194, 37634, 342576132, 250734296, 433300702, 16341479, 49808751, 57936161, 211467447, 71320725, 91230447, 153832672, 217471443, 239636427, 223645010, 90243197, 27374393, 490737401, 35441039, 303927542, 202574536, 515018664, 330289146, 148819211, 365171774, 458738443}
11 31 2147483647 Prime Green tickY
(69273666 × 31 + 1)
{4, 14, 194, 37634, 1416317954, 669670838, 1937259419, 425413602, 842014276, 12692426, 2044502122, 1119438707, 1190075270, 1450757861, 877666528, 630853853, 940321271, 512995887, 692931217, 1883625615, 1992425718, 721929267, 27220594, 1570086542, 1676390412, 1159251674, 211987665, 1181536708, 65536, 0}
12 37 137438953471 Not prime Red crossY
223 × 616318177
(6 × 37 + 1) × (16657248 × 37 + 1)
{4, 14, 194, 37634, 1416317954, ..., 117093979072}
13 41 2199023255551 Not prime Red crossY
13367 × 164511353
(326 × 41 + 1) × (4012472 × 41 + 1)
{4, 14, 194, 37634, 1416317954, ..., 856605019673}
14 43 8796093022207 Not prime Red crossY
431 × 9719 × 2099863
(10 × 43 + 1) × (226 × 43 + 1) × (48834 × 43 + 1)
{4, 14, 194, 37634, 1416317954, ..., 5774401272921}
15 47 140737488355327 Not prime Red crossY
2351 × 4513 × 13264529
(50 × 47 + 1) × (96 × 47 + 1) × (282224 × 47 + 1)
{4, 14, 194, 37634, 1416317954, ..., 96699253829728}

A095847 Lucas–Lehmer residues for Mersenne numbers with prime indices.

{1, 0, 0, 0, 1736, 0, 0, 0, 6107895, 458738443, 0, 117093979072, 856605019673, 5774401272921, 96699253829728, 5810550306096509, 450529175803834166, 0, 44350645312365507266, 271761692158955752596, 2941647823169311845731, ...}


  1. Prime Pages, The Largest Known Prime by Year: A Brief History, Another prime page by Chris K. Caldwell <>.