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I turn away in fright and horror from this lamentable plague of functions that do not have derivatives.—C. Hermite, 1893
In calculus, the derivative of a function, where it exists, measures how a function changes as its argument changes. The (first) derivative of a differentiable function gives a measure of the rate of change of the function (i.e. the slope of its tangent) as its argument changes.
f |
a |
f |
a |
f ′(a) |
Higher order derivatives
Second derivative
The second derivative is the derivative of the derivative of a function.
Partial derivatives
In multivariate calculus, a partial derivative of a multivariate function, where it exists, measures how a [multivariate] function changes as one of its argument changes. A (first) partial derivative of a differentiable [multivariate] function gives a measure of the rate of change of the function (i.e. the slope of a tangent) as one of its argument changes.