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Complex numbers are numbers having both a real part and an imaginary part. Real numbers are a special case of complex numbers where the imaginary part is 0. (Similarly, imaginary numbers are complex numbers with real part 0; the additive identity 0 is both real and imaginary.) A complex number can be written as
in Cartesian coordinates, with
being real numbers and
being the imaginary unit "
", or as
in polar coordinates. Bernhard Riemann wrote complex numbers as
. The set of complex numbers is denoted by
or C.
For example,
is a complex number, which in polar coordinates is
, where
(= 14.143565845691...) is the modulus of
, and
(= 1.5354371953233...) is the argument of
The complex conjugate
of a complex number
is defined as

The absolute value
of a complex number
is defined as

Considering complex numbers as points in the complex plane (Argand diagram), the absolute value of a complex number corresponds to the norm of the vector (a, b) in
(the real part
and imaginary part
being "orthogonal").
The argument of a complex number
is considered modulo
, i.e.
The function
gives the real part of a complex number

The function
gives the imaginary part of a complex number


Complex arithmetic
The addition and subtraction rules for complex numbers are

![{\displaystyle r_{1}\,e^{i\theta _{1}}\,\pm \,r_{2}\,e^{i\theta _{2}}=[r_{1}\cos(\theta _{1})\,+\,r_{1}\sin(\theta _{1})\,i]\,\pm \,[r_{2}\cos(\theta _{2})\,+\,r_{2}\sin(\theta _{2})\,i]}](
![{\displaystyle =[r_{1}\cos(\theta _{1})\,\pm \,r_{2}\cos(\theta _{2})]\,+\,[r_{1}\sin(\theta _{1})\,\pm \,r_{2}\sin(\theta _{2})]\,i\,}](
The multiplication rule for complex numbers is

The reciprocal of a complex number is

The division rule for complex numbers is then


Complex units and identity elements
There are four units in
being a generator of the multiplicative group
of order 4:
The set of complex numbers together with addition and multiplication is a field with additive identity 0 and multiplicative identity 1.
The effect of the complex units as addends is easily guessed: an increment or decrement of the appropriate real or imaginary part. As multiplicands, the complex units have more varied effect. For the examples in the following section, we'll use
(which is in a way close to a famous complex number) as the other multiplicand:
- Multiplication by 1 leaves the real and imaginary parts exactly the same, in value and in sign. Thus,
- Multiplication by
causes the real and imaginary parts to trade places, and the sign of the new real part is opposite the sign of the old imaginary part. Thus,
- Multiplication by
toggles the sign of the real part and toggles the sign of the imaginary part. Thus,
- Multiplication by
causes the real and imaginary parts to trade places, and the sign of the new imaginary part is opposite the sign of the old real part. Thus,
The sign of a part is of course moot if that part happens to be 0. So we have multiplication of purely real numbers exactly the same in the complex plane as on the real number line, while multiplication of purely imaginary positive numbers gives purely real negative numbers.
From Euler's identity
we can derive the identities
, enabling us to restate the above recital of multiplication by units in terms of movement through the complex plane thus:
- Multiplication by
rotates counterclockwise by an angle of
, i.e. null rotation.
- Multiplication by
rotates counterclockwise by an angle of
- Multiplication by
rotates counterclockwise by an angle of
- Multiplication by
rotates counterclockwise by an angle of
, the diagram above summarizes what has been said above about multiplication by units.
In Mathematica and in PARI/GP, the imaginary unit is I, leaving i free for use as an iterator or any other variable, constant or function. The Google calculator can perform some arithmetic on complex numbers.
See also
- ↑ Matthew Watkins, Useful Mathematical & Physical Formulae. New York: Walter & Company (2000): 50