Consider an m-digit number n. Square it and add the right m digits to the left m or m-1 digits. If the resultant sum is n, then n is a term of the sequence.
4879 and 5292 are in A006886 but not in this version.
Shape of plot (see links) seems to consist of line segments whose lengths along the x-axis depend on the number of unitary divisors of 10^m-1 which is equal to 2^w if m is a multiple of 3 or 2^(w+1) otherwise, where w is the number of distinct prime factors of the repunit of length m (A095370). w for m = 60 is 20, whereas w <= 15 for m < 60. This leads to the long segment corresponding to m = 60. - Chai Wah Wu, Jun 02 2016
D. R. Kaprekar, On Kaprekar numbers, J. Rec. Math., 13 (1980-1981), 81-82.
David Wells, The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers, Penguin Books, NY, 1986, p. 151.
Chai Wah Wu, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..50000
Shyam Sunder Gupta, On Some Marvellous Numbers of Kaprekar, Exploring the Beauty of Fascinating Numbers, Springer (2025) Ch. 9, 275-315.
Douglas E. Iannucci, The Kaprekar numbers, J. Integer Sequences, Vol. 3, 2000, #1.2.
Robert Munafo, Kaprekar Sequences.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Kaprekar Number.
703 is Kaprekar because 703 = 494 + 209, 703^2 = 494209.
kapQ[n_]:=Module[{idn2=IntegerDigits[n^2], len}, len=Length[idn2]; FromDigits[ Take[idn2, Floor[len/2]]]+FromDigits[Take[idn2, -Ceiling[len/2]]]==n]; Select[Range[540000], kapQ] (* Harvey P. Dale, Aug 22 2011 *)
ktQ[n_] := ((x = n^2) - (z = FromDigits[Take[IntegerDigits[x], y = -IntegerLength[n]]]))*10^y + z == n; Select[Range[540000], ktQ] (* Jayanta Basu, Aug 04 2013 *)
Select[Range[540000], Total[FromDigits/@TakeDrop[IntegerDigits[#^2], Floor[ IntegerLength[ #^2]/2]]] ==#&] (* The program uses the TakeDrop function from Mathematica version 10 *) (* Harvey P. Dale, Jun 03 2016 *)
a053816 n = a053816_list !! (n-1)
a053816_list = 1 : filter f [4..] where
f x = length us - length vs <= 1 &&
read (reverse us) + read (reverse vs) == x
where (us, vs) = splitAt (length $ show x) (reverse $ show (x^2))
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Oct 04 2014
(PARI) isok(n) = n == vecsum(divrem(n^2, 10^(1+logint(n, 10)))); \\ Ruud H.G. van Tol, Jun 02 2024
More terms from Michel ten Voorde, Apr 11 2001