Number of labeled nonempty hypertrees (connected antichains with no cycles) spanning some subset of {1,...,n} without singleton edges.

%I #13 Aug 27 2018 18:42:38

%S 1,0,1,7,51,506,6843,118581,2504855,62370529,1788082153,57997339632,

%T 2099638691439,83922479506503,3670657248913385,174387350448735877,

%U 8942472292255441103,492294103555090048458,28958704109012732921523

%N Number of labeled nonempty hypertrees (connected antichains with no cycles) spanning some subset of {1,...,n} without singleton edges.

%H Andrew Howroyd, <a href="/A304939/b304939.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..200</a>

%F a(n) = A305004(n) - 1 for n > 0. - _Andrew Howroyd_, Aug 27 2018

%e The a(3) = 7 hypertrees are the following:

%e {{1,2}}

%e {{1,3}}

%e {{2,3}}

%e {{1,2,3}}

%e {{1,2},{1,3}}

%e {{1,2},{2,3}}

%e {{1,3},{2,3}}

%o (PARI) \\ here b(n) is A030019 with b(1)=0.

%o b(n)=if(n<2, n==0, sum(i=0, n, stirling(n-1, i, 2)*n^(i-1)));

%o a(n)=if(n<1, n==0, sum(k=1, n, binomial(n, k)*b(k))); \\ _Andrew Howroyd_, Aug 27 2018

%Y Cf. A030019, A035053, A048143, A134954, A134955, A134956, A134957, A134959, A144959, A303838, A304867, A304911, A304912, A304918, A305004.

%K nonn

%O 0,4

%A _Gus Wiseman_, May 21 2018