Number of solution pairs (x,y) for x <= 11 such that x! + n = y^2 (Brocard-Ramanujan Diophantine equation) is soluble over the integers.
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The Mathematica program will find the number of integer pairs (x,y) solving x!+n = y^2 for each n from 1 to 200 with x not exceeding 11. Dabrowski showed that the abc conjecture implies only finite solutions for each n. Berndt and Galway found that 11 was the highest value that x reached for a solution with n in the range 1 to 2500 and could find no further solution pairs (x,y) in that range even when x was increased to 10^5.
For n = 1 the number of solutions and arbitrary x is Brocard's problem, and it is conjectured - but verified only in the range x <= 10^12 - that there are 3 solution pairs (x,y): (4,5), (5,11), (7,71). - Georg Fischer, Nov 27 2020
Bruce Berndt and William Galway, On the Diophantine equation n! + 1 = m^2
Andrzej Dabrowski, On the Diophantine equation x! + A = y^2, Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, Vierde serie Deel 14 No. 3 (Nov. 1996) pp. 321-324.
Table[Length@Select[Sqrt[Range[11]!+n], IntegerQ[#] &], {n, 1, 200}]
Cf. A085692, A146968, A216071 (Brocard's problem; all essentially the same sequence).
Sequence in context: A172093 A294402 A145738 * A245201 A211358 A211356
Frank M Jackson, Nov 30 2013
Definition narrowed by Georg Fischer, Nov 27 2020