Smallest sets of 6 consecutive palindromic primes (palprimes) in arithmetic progression. The initial palindromic prime is listed.

%I #4 Oct 01 2013 13:06:33

%S 1981856124216581891,3450714222224170543,7063314140414133607,

%T 7833630234320363387,100189099222990981001,103223815141518322301,

%U 105534664101466435501,113509971404179905311,121085819424918580121,136175061101160571631,136197647030746791631

%N Smallest sets of 6 consecutive palindromic primes (palprimes) in arithmetic progression. The initial palindromic prime is listed.

%e 1981856124216581891, 1981856135316581891, 1981856146416581891, 1981856157516581891, 1981856168616581891, 1981856179716581891 are consecutive palindromic primes so 1981856124216581891 is in the list.

%Y Cf. A059120, A059121, A059122

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Shyam Sunder Gupta_, Oct 01 2013