Partition numbers of the form 9k.

%I #17 May 10 2013 17:31:31

%S 135,297,792,1575,10143,31185,63261,329931,15796476,44108109,

%T 4835271870,7346629512,12292341831,18440293320,107438159466,

%U 129913904637,156919475295,250438925115,1527273599625,3345365983698,3646072432125,7206841706490

%N Partition numbers of the form 9k.

%C Intersection of A008591 and A000041.

%H Paul Tek, <a href="/A225360/b225360.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%F a(n) = 9*A222179(n).

%e 135 is in the sequence because 9*15 = 135 and 135 is a partition number: p(14) = A000041(14) = 135.

%t Select[PartitionsP[Range[300]], Mod[#, 9] == 0 &]

%Y Cf. A000041, A008591, A052001, A072871, A087183, A225324, A225325, A225326, A225327, A225358, A127544, A225361.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Omar E. Pol_, May 05 2013